Fargo Got Talent Youth & College Night
FRED’S Dissonance and Voices of Creative Change Initiative propose, as a joint venture, to produce Fargo Got Talent, an open mic competition.
On Saturday, February 18th, the event will run from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. It's a competition between students from Moorhead, Fargo, and West Fargo. Along with other nearby colleges, the best students from North Dakota State University, Moorhead State University, Concordia College, and others compete in various categories to win big! Student performers will perform fine arts including singing, playing instruments, dancing, drama, comedy skits and monologues. A total of more than $1,000 in cash and prizes is awarded to students who place at these events. Student 1st place winner will go home with $250 2nd place 100$ and 3rd place 50$. On April 29th, the top 6 students will compete in a finale event for the community, and the winner will leave with a prize of 500$.
You can participate as an individual or a group. Apply if you go to a public or private school in Moorhead, Fargo, or West Fargo. In any other case, enrolled at North Dakota State University, Moorhead State University, Concordia College.
Individuals and groups may only audition once. MAXIMUM GROUP SIZE IS 4. If you audition with a group, you may not audition individually.
There's a 5 minute time limit for FGT performances. Time can't be exceeded.
Tracks used as accompaniment MUST BE INSTRUMENTAL ONLY, NO LYRICS! The exact track to be used at the competition must be used at the dress rehearsal. There are no substitutions!
MP3 / Flashdrive / Digital tracks are accepted; however CDs are not accepted.
Mandatory sound check is Saturday February 18th, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm at the Plains Art Museum. ALL contestants must attend the sound check. Failure to attend the sound check results in dismissal from the Talent Show.
Auditions Form will be Online via Jot-form: https://form.jotform.com/223551425769159
Youth MUST submit the online Talent Show Audition Form by Janurary 30th.
You will be notified by February 6th , giving you two week to prepare
The Fargo Got Talent will start at 6:30 pm, February 18th.
Questions? email Fredsdissonance@gmail.com